Conversational text-to-SQL is designed to translate multi-turn natural language questions into their corresponding SQL queries. Most state-of-the-art conversational text- to-SQL methods are incompatible with generative pre-trained language models (PLMs), such as T5. In this paper, we present a two-stage unified MultI-task Generation frAmework (MIGA) that leverages PLMs' ability to tackle conversational text-to-SQL. In the pre-training stage, MIGA first decomposes the main task into several related sub-tasks and then unifies them into the same sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) paradigm with task-specific natural language prompts to boost the main task from multi-task training. Later in the fine-tuning stage, we propose four SQL perturbations to alleviate the error propagation problem. MIGA tends to achieve state-of-the-art performance on two benchmarks (SparC and CoSQL). We also provide extensive analyses and discussions to shed light on some new perspectives for conversational text-to-SQL.
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The long-standing theory that a colour-naming system evolves under the dual pressure of efficient communication and perceptual mechanism is supported by more and more linguistic studies including the analysis of four decades' diachronic data from the Nafaanra language. This inspires us to explore whether artificial intelligence could evolve and discover a similar colour-naming system via optimising the communication efficiency represented by high-level recognition performance. Here, we propose a novel colour quantisation transformer, CQFormer, that quantises colour space while maintaining the accuracy of machine recognition on the quantised images. Given an RGB image, Annotation Branch maps it into an index map before generating the quantised image with a colour palette, meanwhile the Palette Branch utilises a key-point detection way to find proper colours in palette among whole colour space. By interacting with colour annotation, CQFormer is able to balance both the machine vision accuracy and colour perceptual structure such as distinct and stable colour distribution for discovered colour system. Very interestingly, we even observe the consistent evolution pattern between our artificial colour system and basic colour terms across human languages. Besides, our colour quantisation method also offers an efficient quantisation method that effectively compresses the image storage while maintaining a high performance in high-level recognition tasks such as classification and detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our method with extremely low bit-rate colours. We will release the source code soon.
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The problem of covariate-shift generalization has attracted intensive research attention. Previous stable learning algorithms employ sample reweighting schemes to decorrelate the covariates when there is no explicit domain information about training data. However, with finite samples, it is difficult to achieve the desirable weights that ensure perfect independence to get rid of the unstable variables. Besides, decorrelating within stable variables may bring about high variance of learned models because of the over-reduced effective sample size. A tremendous sample size is required for these algorithms to work. In this paper, with theoretical justification, we propose SVI (Sparse Variable Independence) for the covariate-shift generalization problem. We introduce sparsity constraint to compensate for the imperfectness of sample reweighting under the finite-sample setting in previous methods. Furthermore, we organically combine independence-based sample reweighting and sparsity-based variable selection in an iterative way to avoid decorrelating within stable variables, increasing the effective sample size to alleviate variance inflation. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the improvement of covariate-shift generalization performance brought by SVI.
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Frozen pretrained models have become a viable alternative to the pretraining-then-finetuning paradigm for transfer learning. However, with frozen models there are relatively few parameters available for adapting to downstream tasks, which is problematic in computer vision where tasks vary significantly in input/output format and the type of information that is of value. In this paper, we present a study of frozen pretrained models when applied to diverse and representative computer vision tasks, including object detection, semantic segmentation and video action recognition. From this empirical analysis, our work answers the questions of what pretraining task fits best with this frozen setting, how to make the frozen setting more flexible to various downstream tasks, and the effect of larger model sizes. We additionally examine the upper bound of performance using a giant frozen pretrained model with 3 billion parameters (SwinV2-G) and find that it reaches competitive performance on a varied set of major benchmarks with only one shared frozen base network: 60.0 box mAP and 52.2 mask mAP on COCO object detection test-dev, 57.6 val mIoU on ADE20K semantic segmentation, and 81.7 top-1 accuracy on Kinetics-400 action recognition. With this work, we hope to bring greater attention to this promising path of freezing pretrained image models.
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尽管将进化计算整合到增强学习中的新进展,但缺乏高性能平台可赋予合成性和大规模的并行性,这对与异步商业游戏相关的研究和应用造成了非平凡的困难。在这里,我们介绍了Lamarckian-一个开源平台,其支持进化增强学习可扩展到分布式计算资源的支持。为了提高训练速度和数据效率,拉马克人采用了优化的通信方法和异步进化增强学习工作流程。为了满足商业游戏和各种方法对异步界面的需求,Lamarckian量身定制了异步的马尔可夫决策过程界面,并设计了带有脱钩模块的面向对象的软件体系结构。与最先进的RLLIB相比,我们从经验上证明了Lamarckian在基准测试中具有多达6000 CPU核心的独特优势:i)i)在Google足球游戏上运行PPO时,采样效率和训练速度都翻了一番; ii)在乒乓球比赛中运行PBT+PPO时,训练速度的速度快13倍。此外,我们还提出了两种用例:i)如何将拉马克安应用于生成行为多样性游戏AI; ii)Lamarckian如何应用于游戏平衡测试的异步商业游戏。
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